Action call against the WEF


Unbelivable but true: The anachronic protopatriarchal capitalist institution called World Economic Forum still exists!

Remember: it has been promoting neoliberalism since the last 20 years in it's annual meetings in Davos. From a simpel management- meeting of the biggest multinational enterprises it moved to a most importent institution that cleard the way for the creation of WTO by inviting more and more politicians to their meetings. Fife years ago strong resistance mouvements started ambitious to shut down the forum. Because of the strong protests in january 01in Switzerland, the Forum moved for it's annual meeting to New York. But as there was resistence too,the self-declared global leaders prefered to come back too the snowy swiss mountains in Davos.

Although WEF get's more and more unpopular in Switzerland, the authorities decided to spend for it's annual meeting in january 03 about seven million Euros for security.

But nothing is still decided: A growing number of official voicies are fearing a desaster in Davos the coming january.

So we need just a little more help from our friends to bring the swiss government to a reasonable decision: No WEF in Davos, no WEF elsewhere.

We ask all antipatriarchal and antikapitalist movements to visit on the 16th of november the nearest swiss embassy to express their strong disapprouval with any government that hosts the World Economic Forum. On the way to the swiss embassy you can visit of course the WEF- members you are passing: Starbucks, Mac Donald's, Nestle... figure it out!

anti-wto coordination

WEF 2003 | Actions 2003 |