up from January 13 in Bolivia: road blockades & repression
- 2-7 January Asian Social Forum 2003 Hyderabad, India
- www.wsfindia.org/asf.htm

- January 23-27 World Economic Forum Davos
- Action call against the WEF
Images from Munich
- January Third World Social Forum Porto Alegre, Brasil
- www.portoalegre2003.org
World Social Forum 2003 (including critique)
January - March Indian Peoples' Movements Caravan against War, Communalism and Capitalist Globalisation

- February 7-9 NATO Conference Munich, Germany
- www.no-nato.de
photos from munich
- February 15 Global Action Day for Peace
- www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=725 | www.unitedforpeace.org
stop war! - f15 picture gallery
February 21-23 2nd european consulta-meetingTübingen

- March 7-9 pga europe winter meeting Dijon, France
- proposed agenda
- March 15-23 europeanwide actionweek against racism
- http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
- March 14 International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life
- www.irn.org/dayofaction/
- March 15-16 Social Water Forum São Paulo
- http://brasil.indymedia.org | water campaign
- March 15-16 Peoples' National Water Forum New Delhi, India
- water campaign | http://www.wsfw.org/
- March 16-23 Water Conference and Festival New York City
- water campaign | http://www.wsfw.org/
War against Iraq
Stop War!
- March 21-22 1st People World Water Forum Florence, Italy
- italy.indymedia.org | http://www.cipsi.it/contrattoacqua/forum-acqua/
water campaign
- March African Conference on Water Accra, Ghana
- water campaign | http://www.wsfw.org/
- March 16-23 3rd World Water Forum Kyoto
- water campaign | www.citizen.org/cmep/water
http://www.world.water-forum3.com | http://www.wsfw.org/
- March 21-23 Brisbane Social Forum Australia
- www.brisbanesocialforum.org
- March 24-26 Annual Meeting of the Inter-American Development Bank Milano, Italy (!)
- Call to Action
contact: Janneke foee.org

- Summit of the heads of American states Buenos Aires, Argentina
III Cumbre de los Pueblos de las Américas, Buenos Aires
- http://argentina.indymedia.org
- April 3-10 subcomedante Marcos in debat met Garzon Lanzarote, Canary Islands
- www.ezln.org
April 4 Demonstration in Barcelona under the slogan "Never more a govern in favour of river diversions", to express the strong discrepancies against Popular Party and Mr. José María Aznar (President of the Spanish Govern) and his policy in favour of impossing through his PHN a very old way to consider water, rivers and nature.
- April 6-18 UPPERGROUND - International Antiprohibitionist Action, Vienna antiprohibitionist artistic project that will announce from different european cities an antiprohibitionist meeting during the United Nations's international conference of the "War against Drugs" commission in wien, Austria from the 6th to 18th of april 2003.
- Contact: emilio.leofreddi
call: http://at.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=21186
General Information: http://www.vienna2003.org
- April 10-13 alternative congress to the UNDCP "session of the commission on narcotic drugs" vienna/austria (06.-18.04.2003) with discussions, speeches, workshops, cinema, partys, concerts, and a demonstration.
- http://www.u-n-o.org | http://at.indymedia.org
April 12, 15.00 hs. Demonstration to the UN-Centre in Vienna
Gathering at the University of Vienna, Schottentor, 1st District, Vienna
- April 10-15 Mobilization against the Military and Economic
US Intervention in Latin America and the Caribbean Washington, DC
- ACERCA/ASEJ www.asej.org
CISPES www.cispes.org
Mobilization for Global Justice (MGJ) www.globalizethis.org
Mexico Solidarity Network www.mexicosolidarity.org
NISGUA www.nisgua.org
NicaNet www.nicanet.org
Quixote Center www.quixote.org
Rights Action www.rightsaction.org
SOA Watch www.soawatch.org
Witness for Peace www.witnessforpeace.org
- April 12-13 IMF Worldbank Meeting Washington DC
- www.abolishthebank.org
- April 17 International Day of Farmer's Struggle
- www.viacampesina.org
- April 17-20 European Social Consulta
1st European Gathering, Barcelona
- www.consultaeuropea.org/en/guia-en.html
- April 21-24 Oceania Social Forum Nelson, Aotearoa/New Zealand
- www.oceaniasocialforum.org.nz
- April 24 international day of action against BP, oil wars & climate change
- www.burningplanet.net
- April 25-27 PGA Nordic Meeting Stockholm
- www.ulydighed.dk/nordisk
- April 28 - June 20 Bicycle Caravan to the EU Summit Balkan 'No Border' Bike tour Ljubljana - Thessaloniki
- http://go-openup.de

- May 9-11 "Frauen, stoppt GATS" Kongreß in Köln
- Frauen, stoppt GATS
- May 18-20 World Agricultural Forum St Louis, USA
- www.infoshop.org/inews/stories.php?story=02/11/11/9970658
- May 21 - 23 ABCDE Conference Bangalore, India
- May 23 - 24 Cumbre del Grupo de Río Cusco, Peru
- luchas en perú
- May 28 - June 1st Austrian Social Forum Hallein, Salzburg
- www.socialforum.at

- May 29 - June x Bike-Caravan to Evian from Berne via Lausanne
- www.anti-wto.ch info: velorution03
- June 1-3 G8 Summit, Evian-les-Bains, France - evian info
Days of Resistance to the Gang of 8
village alternativ http://nopasaran.samizdat.net

- June 3rd European Investment Bank (EIB) Annual Meeting Luxembourg
- contact: robertc
- June 9-15 nobordercamp timisiora/romania
in the triangle to hungary and yugoslavia
- www.proiectns.org http://www.noborder.org
- 10 de junho Fórum Social Português Lisboa
- Universidade Popular do Porto http://www.upp.pt/
- June 16-18 PGA Europe Convenors/ X-Convenors meeting Belgrade, Serbia
- results coming soon! (read: convenorship announcement)
- June 20-21 Greece EU Summit Thessaloniki
- April 28 - June 20 Bicycle Caravan to the EU Summit : http://go-openup.de
Thessaloniki Reports & Pictures
photos: http://www.thessaloniki.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=en&article_id=12263
- June 20-25 Sacramento Corporate Agriculture Ministerial
- http://www.sacmobilization.org/
lecture: Showdown in Sacramento? (Aziz Choudry, June 2003)
- June 21-23 WEF Extraordinary Annual Meeting Jordan
- see http://www.weforum.org/
- June 26-29 in poland
conferences, actionday in warsaw and nobordercamp in krynki
26th until 29th of june: anti-border conference
- http://www.zcnjn.most.org.pl
- 27th until 30th of june: international anarchist meeting
- http://www.alter.most.org.pl/iam/

- July - December Italian EU Presidency
- Critique on Berlusconi: www.eu2003.it
- July 1-24 PGA Caravan in South -East Asia
- Call and Application Form for Conference and Caravan
July: water battle in Tiquipaya (Bolivia)
- July 2-5 nobordercamp at the border to belarus
- http://www.noborder.org
- July 6 EU Trade Minister meeting Palermo, Italy
- http://education.portal.dk3.com/article.php?sid=491
- July 7-11 PGA Latin American Conference Comarca Kuna Yala, Panama
July 13 People are invited to climb to mountains located in the area of the whole Ebro river "track" to show at the top of different mountains the common refusal to National Water Plan. The name of this demostration is CUMBRES SOLIDARIAS (it migt be something like "Solidarity at the Top of Mountains", well this is the idea, isn'it?)
- July 20-... Azov rocks protest camp of Rainbow Keepers and Autonomous Action, Azov, South of Russia
- http://russia.indymedia.org | http://www.avtonom.org
- July 21-27 in italy nobordercamp near brindisi in puglia
workshops and actions against the borderregime in the mediterranean sea, against detention-camps and about the working conditions from migrants in the agricultural sector
- http://www.noborder.org/camps/03/ita/display.php?id=232
- July 23 - August 2 Anti-CAFTA Events New Orleans, Louisiana
- stopcafta.org
- July 25 - August 2 Summer Solidarity Caravan Oaxaca, México
- open invitation
- July 26-27 Mobilize for Peace in Korea Washington DC
- www.july27.org
- July 26 - August 3 nobordercamp apulia/italy (against the borderregime in the mediterranean sea and about the working conditions from migrants in the agricultural sector)
- http://www.noborder.org | http://italy.indymedia.org
- July 27-30 WTO mini-ministerial meeting Montreal, Canada
- http://montreal.resist.ca/
photos & reports
- July 29-30 South Asian Peasants' Assembly Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Dhaka Declaration: Globalize the hope! Globalize the struggle!
- July 31 - August 10 in germany conference and nobordercamp in cologne
- http://www.nadir.org/nadir/kampagnen/kongress03/
- July 31 - August 10 conference "out of control"
- August 3-10 actions for example against iom, azr (-database) and at the deportation airport in dusseldorf
- july or august in slovenia: nobordercamp
- http://www.acmolotov.org

- Summer Biketour Poland, Ukraine (to Ecotopia 2003). annual international project for everyone interested in environmentalism and community life, cycling and sustainability.
- www.thebiketour.net
- [August 2-9] Gender Seminar Escanda, Asturias, Spain
delayed to autumn
- www.escanda.org
- Larzac les 8, 9 et 10 août contre l'OMC! 20 km de Millau, France
- http://www.larzac2003.org/
- August 14-24 Gathering on Palestine / Israel / conflicts in the Mediterranean Escanda, Asturias, Spain
- www.escanda.org
- August 20-24 Carribean Social Forum Cap Haitian, Haiti
- http://www.movimientos.org/apcaribe
- August 22-24 3rd general meeting of Autonomous Action Rostov-na-Donu, South of Russia
- contact: ankom17
mail.ru and neponyatny pisem.net
- August 20 - September 3 Ecotopia 2003 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
- http://www.eyfa.org/ecotopia2003.htm

- [September 7-14] PGA Asian and Gender Conference Dhaka, Bangladesh
- postponed: new date to be announced soon
contact: pga-asia cupboard.org.
Call and Application Form for Conference and Caravan
mobilization against the WTO
- September 4-6 European Union Council of Foreign Affairs Ministers Riva del Garda, Italia
- http://www.stopwtoriva2003.org/
- September 7-14 Global Week of Action
- September 9-10 International Day of Action
(continental social alliance)
- September 10-14 5th WTO Ministerial Cancún, Mexico
- first infos
http://espora.org/cancun03/ | www.wto.org
- September 13 Global March against Military and Economic War
- www.internationalanswer.org/news/update/071603calend.html#sep13
- September 11 Chile: 30 años después del golpe militar
- grupo de solidaridad con los pres@s polític@s en Chile-Berlín
- September 11-14 Aktionstage gegen das Ausreisezentrum in Fürth Fürth bei Nürnberg
- www.ausreisezentren.de
reports from fuerth will be on:
http://www.ausreisezentren.cjb.net http://de.indymedia.org http://at.indymedia.org
- September 13 Millions for Reparations National Rally at United Nations NYC
- www.millionsforreparations.com
- September 23-24 World Bank & IMF Annual Meeting Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- official page: www.dubai2003.ae

- October 18-21: APEC Summit Bangkok, Thailand
- official page: www.apecceosummit2003.com
- around 15th of october: europeanwide noborder-action-week
- http://www.noborder.org
- October 25 "End the occupation of Iraq" Washington DC
- www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/o25/
- october/november : Oceania Social Forum Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand
- http://oceaniasocialforum.org.nz/

- November 12-16 European Social Forum Paris and Saint-Denis, France
- www.fse-esf.org | alternative projects/debates
- November 17-21 Trade Ministerial on the FTAA Miami, Florida, USA
- ftaa/alca | FTAA Miami | http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/ftaa
- November 21-23 Shut down the US Army School of the Americas Fort Benning, Georgia, USA
- www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=636

- December 10-12 World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva
- Communication Rights in the Information Society
- December EU Summit Italy
actions 2004 | www.agp.org