Eur@action Hub Project : http://hubproject.org/
alternative initiatives:
critique (wsf 2001/02):
The World Social Forum isn't free from critique by grassroots movements in Brasil and beyond. Therefore this site includes a strong critique from a group based in Fortaleza (em português) which has been actively involved in S26 Global Action Day protests parallel to the World Bank/ IMF Annual Meeting in Prague:
Não iremos ao Forum "Social" Mundial! E não estamos sós!
( coletivo contra-a-corrente, Dez. 2000)
We will not go to the World "Social" Forum! And we are not alone! (rough english translation)
Porto Alegre 2002: Novamente afirmamos: Não vamos ao Fórum Social Mundial de Porto Alegre!!!
Panfleto: Considerações extemporâneas sobre a nossa não-ida ao FSM
Toward an Emancipatory Pole Within the World Social Forum Process (Peter Waterman, 5/1/2003)
WEF Davos
WEF Davos 2003
WEF New York 2002
WEF Davos 2001
WEF Davos 2000
WEF Davos 1999
World Social Forum
- Regional events
- European Social Forum
Athens May 2006 www.fse-esf.org
European Social Forum
London October 2004 www.fse-esf.org
autonomous space: esf2004.net
European Social Forum
Paris November 2003 www.fse-esf.org
Carribean Social Forum
August 20-24, 2003 - Cap Haitian, Haiti
Oceania Social Forum
Aotearoa/ New Zealand, April 2003
Asian Social Forum www.wsfindia.org (call)
Hyderabad, India, January 2003
European Social Forum
Florence November 2002 www.fse-esf.org
FSM Argentina Buenos Aires, August 2002
actions 2003 | www.agp.org | www.all4all.org