Porto Alegre: Torten zum Abschluss

von rebels with a cause - 06.02.2002 14:33

Attac setze sich durch und drückte der Abschlusserklärung des Weltsozialforums (WSF) in Porto Alegre ihren Stempel auf: das WSF habe alle sozialen Bewegungen der Welt vertreten und die wünschten sich nichts sehnlicher als die Tobin-Steuer. Ist die Bevölkerung in Argentinien mit den Kochtöpfen dafür auf die Straße gegangen? Weil viele in Porto Alegre die staatstragenden Äußerungen kritisieren, wurden französischen RegierungsvertreterInnen zwei Torten ins Gesicht gedrückt...

Wir sind alle gleich, aber einige sind gleicher?

Außerdem besetzten am Abschlusstag etwa 100 Protestierende den "VIP-Saal" auf dem Weltsozialforum (den gabs wirklich: einen von Ordnungskräften bewachten Saal für Very Important Persons (z.B. PolitikerInnen) der Bewegung!). "Ohne Hierarchie, wir sind alle VIPs" stand auf dem Transparent.

Danach gab es eine Demo gegen das gesamtamerikanische Freihandelsabkommen (FTAA/ ALCA).

Auch Hebe de Bonafini von den Müttern des Plaza de Mayo in Argentinien kritisierte die leaders des WSF ( Sie sei nicht eigenladen worden, wie viele KämpferInnen (z.B. die Zapatistas). Letztes Jahr hatte sie in einer Videokonferenz zwischen Davos und Porto Alegre in beeindruckender Klarheit George Soros angeschrien.

Die autonomen "Rebels lost in Porto Alegre" (RebellInnen die sich nach Porto Alegre verirrt haben) kritisierten die Plattheit des Forums, die Behinderung von autonomen Aktivitäten durch die WSF-Dirigenten sowie die Polizeieinsätze gegen die autonomen Demos (insbesondere bei einer Hausbesetzung am 31.1., aber auch die Gefangennahme von Punk-AktivistInnen am 4.2.).

Ein wütender Bericht über das WSF (maschinelle Übers. aus dem bras. Portugies.):

I am infuriated with the FSM!

The World Social Fórum (FSM) had the intention to promote a new event for the world-wide meeting of the left and the struggle of forms for the "creation of a new world", but it is not this that the sectors most radical who were present at the Fórum are finding.

To give beginning to the story of the palhaçadas ones that they are happening for here, I would like to comment some thing to the respect of the Intercontinental Youth Camp. The camp, that has the objective to receive those present in the FSM and to give them conditions to remain in the event every day and to participate of the carried through activities, being a tool for spreading of the events and aiming to promote the envolvement of the young into politics, does not fulfill its function, and more still, it is acting against the integration of the young into politics.

For what I could perceive, the intention of the WSF directors is that present youth in the Fórum, if does not involve minimally with what it is happening of politician. When arriving in the camp, already they deliver condons to the young and every day they promote "cultural" events that they have the intention clearly "to entertain them". Shows until the beginning of the morning and the radio that promote authoritarian forms of events, imposes its programmings for all the night with an extremely high volume, the only aim is clearly the "entertainment of the young". This finished generating until camped more radical attitudes of those bothered with the high sound, they had depredated boxes of sound of the radio and they cut the electrical wires of the boxes. Worse than this, only the structural conditions of the camp that are indescribable, mainly when we speak of the bathrooms. The cleanness of the bathrooms has not been made and a good part of the camped ones had to leave the park where the camp was and walk for minutes until finding a place to go to a decent bathroom.

One another thing that surprised me was the "solidarity" between the young people at the camp. Ready "to congregate and to create a better world", the participants steal stuff from others without constraint. Example of this was a robbery of a Laptop computer and luggage with belongings of two members of Indymedia, clearly an example of "unit and spirit of change" of the youth of the fórum. I also felt much companionship in the "partisan friends" that at 08:00 of the morning sounded drums and cried out words of order guided by the vanguard commander, hindering the friends that wanted to sleep.

The spreading of the activities of the Fórum is simply horrible. The organization does not distribute a news with all at least the events of the FSM for the "youth" that consequently, or consults the news that are distributed for the press, purchase the news or must guess what it walks happening.

Another activity which was really "the maximum" was the lecture of Noam Chomsky. Hundreds of people waited espremidas in the hall where the lecture was supposed to be, when the surprise happened. The directors of the FSM had placed Chomsky to talk in one another room, where only the "personalities" (VIPs) and the press could enter. This finished generating a great confusion and protests on the part of those present, who to the shouts of "DISRESPECT" pulled down the screen on the right side of the hall, hindering half remaining to see the lecture on the screen.

Rebels lost in Porto Alegre (Note of clarification):

Note of clarification. A Group of rebels criticizes the World Social Fórum and says that it will not participate any more at the promoted "official" activities.

The lost Rebels in Porto Alegre come for way of this to clarify the reasons for which will not participate more at "the official" activities of Fórum Social Mundial (FSM).

1. The World Social Fórum is flat (deutsch: platt).

2. The organizers of the Intercontinental Youth Camp tried to hinder the accomplishment of autonomous activities that ran away from the "tutela" oficial of the FSM.

3. The FSM is very flat.

4. The government of the state of Rio Grande Do Sul, one of the organizers of the FSM, treated the independent anticapitalist march, also known as the rebellious march, as a police case. When 600 activists peacefully occupied an empty and abandoned house in the center of Porto Alegre, the government of the PT, very rudely and with little hospitality, sent 60 policemen of the shock troop and the cavalry to restrain the manifestation. The policemen of "the democratic and popular" government of the PT were rude, badly-educated and still they said that the protesters would go "to pierce" all. They run over protesters with a motorbike and they offended them verbally.

For these reasons and the fact of the flat Fórum to be very same, we find for good not to legitimize this event that although to boast "one another world it is possible " does not obtain to respect other worlds - worlds without politicians, parties and police.

Yours truly,

Rebels lost in Porto Alegre.

französische Ministerin mit Torte (Bilder):

wir sind alle VIPs (Bilder):

VIP-Saal (bras. Bericht):

Demo gegen FTAA (bras.):

Grundlose polizeiliche Repression gegen etwa 20 Punk-AktivistInnen (Gefangennahme):

Verärgert über das Forum (bras.):

Rebellische Erklärung (bras.):

Kritik von Profesor J:

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