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Life Despite Capitalism - Workshops
Public Services
Notes from the Life Despite Capitalism workshop "Public Services" - 16/10/04 2-4pm
Markus from starts talking about there experience in creatingo free public ride proyect.
- also opening barriers . already people do. leving open doors. cellotape. Also mass ride actions ... join !! / go to all the stations and tape the abrriers. this actions are very publiced. also try to involve in public discussions. parties try to depolitisy the group. by discussions its turn intro a political proyect.
in stockholm the subway is owned by the city but the actual trasnportation is done by a company. In goteburg its not just the city but also west sweden. the trams are least to a company ( similar situation as in stockolm ).
- noone has never been sentenced for free ride. the controllers where been very represion butthat has backlashed to them. the tactic is public discussion.
- in gotheburg they tried to criminialiced but the judge dimissed.
- activity has grown . when control increase more people goes into plank. if repression decreaes, people dont affiliatte.
- why do they keep finning the homeless?
- new barriers cost 25 million euros.
- the hole point is STRUGGLE aginst liberlism tring to reduce commons.
- last year the green party put up the price of the tickets
in short term its free state transport.
the long term is comunnity managed transports
why should it be free? because its something we ALL MUST DO (visit aour mothers, go to work) (not the discusion now)
- the discussion now is if it should be tax funded.
- inmigrands have problems because if they are stoped they must show the ir papers.
- try not to confront the controllers
- we want controllers as facilitators and helppers.
- in buses its hard. use techonolgy ( fotopiies etcc. ) the idea is not to confrontate openly ( and getting fined )
- most bus drivres are in favour of free bus ( talked to the unions ). their worst problem is handling money. so talk to the unions !!!
- in stockholm its half tax, halfticket price so if you free ride you have already payed ( through tax )
- if they put the price up for the paying users? its not so obvious and barriers for example cost much much more.
- wht about connectiveness?? those unconnected pay as much as those well connected.
- Public discussions: women security. tryin to make the buses stop not only at bus stops but nearer homes
- bolivia water was privatized and there were riots and water is not managet by unions ands social.
- there are alternatives to managment the ISSUE is haw to change wat we have now.
- the issue is to make VISIBLE the movment.
- in enland they always
- is a good expererience. is there better ones?
- how to extend this initiative .
- Tony. what is the context that makes something common.
- plank is great but the problem lays the no alternativ state/private ownership.
- Phillip. how to transmit to people so that they respond as responsibility of publicness.
- from Germany. How can we get controll of the commons?
- how to create something, how to resist and still be improductive to capital.
- how to create the feeling of commons existance and common responsibility of publicness.
Created by: hfelici last modification: Saturday 16 of October, 2004 [10:46:39 UTC] by hfelici
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