archives of global protests2006 G8 Summit in St.Petersburg
Venezuela - Global Days of Action against the G8
Maracaibo (Venezuela)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! A full week of activities against coal mining in the indigenous territory of the Sierra de Perijá, including film screenings, eco-games, mural painting, art exhibitions, culminating July 15 with a protest and rally in the streets of Maracaibo.
July 15 in Maracaibo:
In Maracaibo, July 15, 2006, the Global Day of Action Against the Global Warming and Climate Change.
Maracaibo, Venezuela- Anti-G8 events against Coal!
- Activities from July 7 to 14 in Maracaibo (7/7/2006)
Actividades del 7 al 15 de Julio en Maracaibo en pro del Planeta y en contra de las políticas energéticas mundiales.
- !For Land Titles of Our Lands Free of Mines and Ranchers! (4/7/2006)
Intercultural gathering in favor of indigenous territories in the Sierra de Perijá happened this Saturday.
¡Por los títulos de nuestras tierras libres de minas y de ganaderos!
Encuentro intercultural por los territorios indígenas de la Sierra de Perijá se realizó el sábado
- Sign on to our postcard petition and send it! (3/7/2006)
Gathering of signatures against the exploitation of coal in the Sierra de Perijá mountain range begins!
Firma tu postal y envíala
Comienza recolección de firmas contra la explotación del carbón en la Sierra del Perijá
- Peasant Campesino and Indigenous talk about their tragedy and struggle against the mining exploitation. (14/6/2006)
The Coal Path: the devel's way. Indígenas y Campesinos hablan su tragedia y su lucha frente a la explotación minera
La Ruta del Carbón: el paso del diablo
- Denounce: President Chavez is ridiculed again by the operators of Corpozulia. (13/6/2006)
Denuncia: De nuevo el Presidente Chávez es burlado por los operadores de Corpozulia
- Coal transportation trucks again bring morning to a household in Zulia. (26/5/2006)
Gandolas transportadoras de carbón de nuevo llenan de luto un hogar zuliano
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