archives of global protests - archives des protestations mondiales - archivos de los protestos globales2006 G8 Summit in St.Petersburg
Global Days of Action against the G8
& post summit solidarity actions ()
J14 global action |
J15 Climate Justice (call to action)
Amsterdam | Asheville | Berlin | Bonn | Bremen | Brisbane | Bristol | Cardiff | Davis | Dresden | Erfurt | Frankfurt | Gao | Gloucestershire | Gothenburg | Hamburg | Hannover | Heidelberg | Kaliningrad | Kiev | Lawrence | London | Lüneburg | Madrid | Maine | Manchester | Manila | Mannheim | Maracaibo | Moscow | Oxford | Paris | Reutlingen | Rosenheim | St Petersburg | Salzburg | Santos | Stralsund | Strasbourg | Sydney | The Hague | Tallin | Thessaloniki | Traunstein | Warsaw | Washington | Wellington | Zittau | Zug
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and for more information
Press Release: Global Day of Action Against G8 and RepressionAmsterdam (NL)
friday 14th - Critical mass action.
Anti-G8 Critical Mass bicycle demonstration that occupied a few of the busiest 'highways' in town and ended at the building of Shell Research to show solidarity with activists in Rossport (Ireland) resisting a pipeline-project from Shell. In the morning a small action was also held at the Russian Embassy in The Hague.
Arles (France)
14-07, 10h30, film "Land and Freedom" by Ken Loach / 17h30, conference about the social forum
Asheville (USA)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! Bicycle workshops and skillshares, followed by Critical Mass bike ride.
Auckland (New Zealand)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! 5 simultaneous banner drops over bridges, with slogans like "Stop Climate Change Now" and "International Climate Justice Day," followed by a Critical Mass bike ride.
Berlin: (Germany)
Solidarität mit den Adivasis in Kashipur (Indien)
Am globalen Aktionstag gegen die G8, am Freitag dem 14. Juli
- 10.30 Uhr vor der "Deutschen Bank"
Unter den Linden 15 (Mitte)- 14.00 Uhr vor "Novelis"
Holzhauserstr 96 (bei Tegel)report: G8 2006 -- Solidarity Demo, Berlin
report: J14 Kundgebungen in Solidarität mit Kashipur
July 16: Report: "Kapitalismus abschalten!"-Demo in Berlin
Report: Demo 16.07.06 in Berlin Anti G 8
July 16: Photos
Bonn (Germany)
Report: Global Action Day in Bad Godesberg/Köln
Bremen (Germany)
13.7. Mahnwache des Friendsforums auf dem Marktplatz ab 17 Uhr
- 15.7. 11 Uhr Mahnwache von Amnesty International wg Guantanamo
- 12 Uhr Kundgebung und Aktion des G8-Plenums in Kooperation mit dem Friedensforum anlässlich des G8-Gipfels
- 13 Uhr Demo vom Koordinationskommittee gegen imperialistische und reaktionäre Mächte gegen eine militärische Intervention im Iran
Report: Anti-G8 Soli in Bremen
Brisbane (Australia)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! "Reclaim the Streets" party
Bristol (UK)
July 14: Banner in Bristol, Global Day Of Action: "Bristol Solidarity with the Moscow G8 Crashers"
more pictures:
Cardiff (Wales)
July 14: Report: G8 solidarity action in Cardiff
Davis (California)
July 14: Protest against Monsanto in solidarity with anti-G8 global days of action, in front of the USDA building in Davis. Rally against SB 1056, the biotech-sponsored bill that prevents local communities from their Constitutional right to vote on whether or not their town, city or county will allow Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Genetically Engineered (GE) seed crops to be grown in their voting district.
Dresden (Germany)
July 16:
Report: Dance Dissent in Dresden
Erfurt (Germany)
July 14:
Report: Aktion zum globalen Aktionstag
Frankfurt (Germany)
Freitag, 14. Juli 2006 - 16 Uhr: Kundgebung
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Bockenheimer Lanstr./Zeppelinallee![]()
Report: Global Action Day in Frankfurt/Main: KfW
Gao (Mali, Africa)
- The fifth edition of the People's Forum -- a popular convergence to educate, exchange, communicate, inform, plan citizens' actions and elaborate alternatives to neoliberal globalization -- started on July 15 as a counterweight to the G8 summit in St Petersburg, Russia. Several hundred people attended this three-day gathering to raise awareness about the problems faced by poor people in Western Africa, including neo-colonial plunder of the natural and energy resources of the South.
Gloucestershire (Uk)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! Gloucestershire action
Gothenburg (Sweden)
July 13: report: Action against the russian generalconsulate
Hamburg (Germany)
July 14: Reclaim The Streets:
report: Bilder zur heutigen RTS in Hamburg
report: Global Action Day in Hamburg: RTS-Party
report: Mass arrest at RTS in Hamburg (Germany)
report: Glorreicher Einsatz der Polizei beendet RTS
report: Geldinstitut wurde autonome Zone
Hannover (Germany)
Report: G-8 Global Action Day in Hannover am 14.07.06
Heidelberg (Germany)
Freitag, 14. Juli - 9.45 Uhr:
Treffen am Hauptbahnhof zur Fahrt nach Mannheim - Protest gegen Bauxitabbau in Indien ( Ab 14.00 Uhr:
Infostände zum Selbstgestalten am Bismarckplatz und anderswo (bringt eure Infos, Musikinstrumente, etc. mit!)- Während des Tags:
Verschiedene dezentrale Aktionen (Infostände, Straßentheater oder anderer kreativer Straßenprotest) von unterschiedlichen Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen
Eure Beiträge werden über den Infostand koordiniert und über das freie Radio Bermudafunk verbunden. Dazu sammeln wir jetzt Radiobeiträge.- 16.00 Uhr
Große gemeinsame Kundgebung mit Redebeiträgen und Musik, wahrscheinlich Bismarkplatz- 17.00 Uhr bis 19.00 Uhr Sondersendung auf dem freien Radio bermudafunk (
- Ab 17.30 Uhr
Kaliningrad (Russia)
July 16: Балтийск: Акция солидарности с контр-саммитом [baltic solidarity action]
Kiev (Ukraine)
Report: Protest in Kiev
Report with pictures: 14 ИЮЛЯ - акция в Киеве
Report with pictures: 17.07 Киев Акция против репрессий в СПб
Lawrence (Kansas, USA)
July 17: Carnival against Capital in solidarity with the anti-G8 protests in St. Petersburg, Russia and around the world.Featuring live music including Erik Petersen from the punk/folk group Mischief Brew, and local hip-hop and folk act Joe Carr, plus food, face painting, and other activities.
Report from Carnival Against Capitalism in Lawrence, KS
London (UK)
On Friday July 14, a G8 solidarity occupation and banner-drop action at the Russian Chamber of Commerce in London (UK) was violently policed and at two were arrested.
July 14: In solidarity with Climate Justice Day, banner unfurled featuring the digits 'C' 'O' and '2' and leaflets distributed outside the office of Tulchan Communications, a public relations firm that counts Drax Group plc, which owns and runs the UK's dirtiest coal-fired power plant plant, amongst its clients. Organized by London Rising Tide.
July 15: Climate Justice Day! "G ATE MY PLANET" protest party outside the Embassy of the country most responsible for setting a policy direction that can only lead to planetary catastrophe: the United States. Organized by the Campaign Against Climate Change.
- 13th of july - londongrad
Lüneburg (Germany)
Report: Lüneburg: Global Action Day
Madrid (Spain)
- July 15: Actvists from the Global Action Madrid collective symbolically hanged straw-puppets representing the G8 leaders, denouncing the criminal policies and extreme impoverishment of indebted countries carried out by the world's eight most powerful countries.
Maine (USA)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! Truckload of construction and demolition debris dumbed in Governor Baldacci's driveway, protesting and bringing attention to his continual support of the importation, dumping, and burning of toxic construction and demolition debris behind claims of supporting alternative and renewable energy.
Manchester (UK)
anti G8 critical mass 14/07/06
Bicycle carnival in solidarity with anti G8 protesters in Russia. The cycling protest in Manchester was a celebration of the bicycle as a mode of transport that doesn't pollute or cause climate change. Cyclists took to the road cheering, blowing whistles and playing musical instruments as they rode. Organized by Manchester Camp for Climate Action.
call to action:
Manila (Philippines)
July 14: Anarchist Festival organized in response against the G8 Summit, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Spanish Revolution, and resistance to the Phillipine President's annual "State of the Nation Address."
Mannheim (Germany)
Maracaibo (Venezuela)
July 15: Climate Justice Day! A full week of activities against coal mining in the indigenous territory of the Sierra de Perijá, including film screenings, eco-games, mural painting, art exhibitions, culminating July 15 with a protest and rally in the streets of Maracaibo.
July 15 in Maracaibo:
In Maracaibo, July 15, 2006, the Global Day of Action Against the Global Warming and Climate Change.
Maracaibo, Venezuela- Anti-G8 events against Coal!
more reports from Maracaibo
Moscow (Russia)
July 11: pink - radical cheerleading - samba - clowns in moscow against G8
Protesta pink silver en Moscu
Anti-G8 Protest Successful in Russia
Photos -
Press Release -
Oxford (UK)
July 18: Report: Oxford WDM G8 Olympics
Paris (France)
14-07, 14h00, Parc des Tuileries, demonstration near the military one - Vélorution bicyclists joined the "Grand MiliTerre Procession of the Army of Clowns" as ARMS FOR MASSIVE PROTECTION OF THE CLIMATE!
Communique 1:
Communique 2:
Photos & Videos:
Reutlingen (Germany)
July 14: Report: Wasserschlacht gegen den G8 in Reutlingen
Rosenheim (Germany)
July 15:
Report: Proteste in Rosenheim
St. Petersburg (Russia)
- July 16: Blockade of the entrance of a hotel and main thoroughfare used by G8 Summit particpants as a protest against G8 policy that supports nuclear energy and the commercialization of education. They blockaded the street ( photos), raised banners, and distributed leaflets against the policy of G8. About 30 people arrested.
press release:
- Participants in the Russian Social Forum, which was held in St.Petersburg on July 13-15, were not allowed to have a march, although they requested permission from City Hall weeks before. Police blocked them at the Kirov stadium, where the Social Forum was held, and prevented from taking to the streets of the city. About 150 activists held a rally behind closed gates, facing lines of riot police, who outnumbered the activists.
[video (AVI - 3,72MB - 1,31 min) | report]
Salzburg (Austria)
Report: anti g8 soli protest in salzburg/austria
Report: Anti-G8 Soli in Salzburg
Santos (Brasil)
July 15: Brazilian letter of solidarity against Russian police repression and assault on anti-G8 activists
This is a message from a human rights group in Santos, Brazil called Comitê em defesa de direitos humanos da Baixada Santista. They sent this letter and fax blast to the Russian consulate in Brazil, to denounce the action of the Russian secret police in the systematic harassment and unlawful detention and arrest of activists planning on being in St. Petersburg for the anti-G8 protests and events.Denúncia de violações de direitos humanos na Rússia
Straslund (Germany)
- (Thursday 13 July, 2006) Around 1,500 people from the peace, counter-globalisation and anti-fascist movements in Germany against US President Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel's pre-G8 meeting in Stralsund, on the Baltic coast in northern Germany.
Strasbourg (France)
July 14: Photo
Sydney (Australia)
Friday July 14, 12 p.m.
Protesting the ongoing brutality of the capitalist system, environmental destruction, and attacks on human rights that the goverments of the G8 countries perpetrate, activists shut down the Russian Consulate in Sydney.
- Report: Протест в Сиднее привëл к закрытию консульства РФ
July 14: Photos
The Hague (Netherlands)
July 14: Photos
Tallinn (Estonia)
solidarity action in Estonia: 19th of July – action at 6 o'clock in Tallinn in front of the Russian embassy (street: Pikk 19) to protest against human-rights violations during the G8 summit and to show our solidarity to our friends who are still in prison there.
Report: solidarity action in Tallinn. Pictures
Thessaloniki (Greece)
Report: Protest v Russkom konsulstve v Salonikax
[Protest in front of the Russian Consulate]
Traunstein (Germany)
Report: Global-Action-Day Traunstein
Warsaw (Poland)
- July 15:
Report: Anty G8 w W-wie 15.07.2006
Washington DC
- July 9-16: Gr8 Eight Days of Resistance, against G8's Great Greed July 9th Reclaim Our Fate From The G8! People's Summit on Climate, Energy and Global Justice
July 14: Critical Mass bike ride through downtown DC to US Vice President Dick Cheney's home, followed by a rally against oil, coal and nuclear energy outside the home of US Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Samuel Bodman. Organized by DC Anti-War Network.
Wellington /New Zealand)
July 14: Activists climbed a waterfront building to unfurl a banner in-front of a 5 storey high picture of a tsunami wave reading, 'Will you get Thru? Get Ready - Get Thru Climate Change.' Spokesperson Gareth Hughes said "Climate Change is the most urgent issue facing New Zealand and World and as this banner demonstrates we have got to get ready both to mitigate its effects but also to adapt to a World a changing climate and more extreme weather events." The activists said their action was timed to happen just before the G8 meeting in St Petersburg, where the 8 richest industrialized countries will gather under the euphemistic banner of "Energy Security."
Zittau (Germany)
July 14:
Report: Global Action Day in Zittau / Ostsachsen
Zug am See (CH)
July 14: Report: Globaler Aktionstag auch in Zug