Meetings: Last Tuesday of month at 7.30pm (next 4 & 25 January 2005), at Kebele Project, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol, BS5. The Bristol Dissent! group has produced propaganda flyers, held info stalls, made banners, held stencil/art workshops, and organised a Dissent! benefit. They are producing factsheets on climate change, Africa/debt, sustainability, the WB/IMF/WTO, and PFI.
'Information for Action' - a day of workshops, presentations & discussions, at a central Bristol location, on April 9th (10.30am to 5.30pm). Followed by benefit social.
The day will have workshops including art resistance, alternatives to capitalism, Africa debt/poverty, Iraq, Zapatista, No Borders & asylum seekers, CIRCA (clown army), direct action, and climate change.
Entry is free / donation and there will be cheap vegan food.
For more info about the day please contact bristol_g8workshops
dissent g8! newsletter #3 – newsletter – resist g8 2005 –