- Thousands resist the global elite at the World Economic Forum
- Financial G7 leaders recieve a noisey welcome!
- Get in Training for the G8
- World Social Forum Porto Alegre 2005
- Global Resistance 2005: A call to action
International News
- International Co-ordination meeting
- Kom in actie!
- Mondialisons la Resistance!
- Achtung Gipfel!
- Police to stand trial over Aubonne Bridge Action
- Police to stand trial over violence at G8 summit in Genoa
- Edinburgh Reshape!
- Wake up and smell the greenwash
- Anti-Militarist Blockade of Faslane - 4 July
- Working group against work
- A celebration of the right to roam; walking in the Ochil hills
- Blockade the G8!
- Trapese
- Nottingham Dissent!
- Bristol Dissent!
- Donate or Fundraise against the G8!
- The PGA Hallmarks
- dissent Calendar of events
- contact details
Dissent is a new network, created to build a mobilisation against the G8. The network is based on the Peoples' Global Action Hallmarks, rooted in local and autonomous organising and action, and aims to go beyond the G8. The PGA is a decentralised, non-heirachical, global network of social movements, for a copy of the hallmarks visit
where to find us
Dissent Gathering: We will be having monthly dissent gatherings rotating round the UK as of February, to find the next one visit
International Networking Meeting: 25th-27th Feb, Tubigen, Germany - for more info contact info-g82005
Festival of Dissent!: A week long gathering in April 05 in Lanarkshire, to plot, scheme and train ready for the G8 South East Regional Meeting: Sat 26th February, ULU, Mallet St, London