International Independent Commission
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If you prefer german. Most of the documents are available in Italian and French too. Please order them as mail.
Mario Angelelli, Rom Geoffrey Bindman, London Christian Bruschi, Marseille Angiolo Gracci, Florenz Beate Klarsfeld, Paris Hans Langenberg, Utrecht Felicia Langer, z.Zt. Tübingen Gaetano Pecorella, Mailand Arturo Salerni, Rom.
Sitz: Schoolplein - Advokatenkollektief, Schoolplein 5A, 3581 PX UtrechtCorrespondence in The Federal Republic of Germany:
Law firm: Heinecke pp., Budapester Straße 49, 20359 Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0)40-439 60 02; Fax: +49-(0)40-439 31 83Account No. 1251 453 500, Hamburger Sparkasse, BLZ 200 505 50,
Account holder: Gisela Wiese, Keyword: IUK Lübeck
IIC-Declaration, July 1998
IIC-Declaration, May 1997
Interim Report
Declaration because of Safwan Eid's release from custody at 02/07/96
Declaration from 23/06/96
Constitutional Declaration from 22/04/1996
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