- Asian Activists Want to End the Power of the WTO!
- Hong Kong
'Junk WTO' Rally 12/9/2003
- India
• On 7-8 August a two-day seminar was held in Delhi on Cancun and its implications for developing countries by IPCAWTO (Peoples' Movement against WTO).
• On 26th. August a rally and public meeting is being organised in Delhi against Cancun by left and democratic political parties and organisations who have formed the IPCAWTO.
• On 13th September,while major international protests are being held, a massive protest rally is to be held in Delhi orgnised by CPI-ML and its peasant, trade union, youth and women's fronts and other organisations.
Bangalore •
Food and Agriculture Out of the WTO! India Out of the WTO! 10/9/2003
Bangalore •
Indian farmers stage massive anti-WTO protest 10/9/2003
New Delhi • Rally for Farmers Rights 2/9/2003
New Delhi •
Photos from New Delhi 2/9/2003
- Korea
• more actions in Korea
Anti-WTO Demonstration Seoul 6/9/2003
• Korean People's Action Against FTA's & the WTO (KoPA) has organized a strategic campaign for information and public education against Free Trade Agreements including the WTO as well as several bilaterals and other economic policies. After a summer of nonstop organizing and public education, and puressure on their government, they are now bringing a delegation of 150-200 trade unionists, people of faith, students, human rights activists, and others to protest the WTO in Cancun. They are also co-organizing with SIGTUR's Voices from the South and Toward Real Solidarity between North and South which will take place on September 11th, in Cancun, Mexico, on behalf of our member organization, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU). Solidarity, Sohi Jeon, kopa
jinbo.net, Korean People's Action against FTA & WTO (KoPA)... Read more about the event: http://cancun.mediosindependientes.org/newswire/index.php
- India, Nepal, Philippines: "Junk WTO!"
• Demands Asian Peasant Coalition
As Cancun prepares to host the 5th Ministerial of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in September, thousands of peasants from different organisations under the Asian Peasant Coalition (APC) forge solidarity with peasants worldwide by launching massive protest actions in different cities in Asia demanding their governments to get out of the WTO. Indian peasants and agricultural workers belonging to the Federation of Agricultural Workers and Marginal Farmers Union (APVVU), one of the convenors of the APC, have joined forces with other people's organisations demanding the Indian government to quit WTO. Huge rallies of peasants and other mass movements will take place in all district headquarters and state capitals in India on September 4. While Nepal is yet to be a member of the WTO, Nepalese peasant organisations are gearing up for its onslaught on their agriculture. The strong All Nepal Peasants Association (ANPA), one of the primary convenors of the APC, has joined hands with other peasant organisations in Nepal to protest its government's decision to join the WTO. A huge anti-WTO and globalisation rally of peasants and other mass organisations will take place on September 4 and 9 in Kathmandu. For more information,
India-APVVU c/o P. Chennaiah chennaiah
Nepal-ANPA c/o Prem Prasad Dangal anpa
Philippines-KMP c/o Rafael Mariano kmp_intl
Photo from Manila 4/9/2003
- Thailand
• The week of action against the WTO begins in Bangkok 9/9/2003
Thousands march on EU, US in Bangkok 9/9/2003
Anti-WTO Demonstration Bangkok 9/9/2003
• WTO logo torched in Thai protest 14/9/2003
global action | overview | wto cancún | wto | www.agp.org