Global Action Day in München - Siemens abschalten!
english below!

Am 30. 11. findet in Seattle, USA, die Konferenz der Welthandelsorganisation WTO statt. Die VertreterInnen der WTO-Mitgliedstaaten wollen dort über weitere Massnahmen zur Durchsetzung des „freien, schrankenlosen Welthandels beschließen“. So ist beispielsweise die sogenannte Millenium Round, die Neuauflage des MAI (Multilateral Agreement on Investigations) Gegenstand der Verhandlungen. Die unterzeichnenden Staaten verpflichten sich darin, ihre Politik und Gesetzgebung ganz an den Interessen der Wirtschaft auszurichten. Davon profitieren in erster Linie Großkonzerne und reiche Industriestaaten. Für den Großteil der Menschen, gerade in der sogenannten Dritten Welt und in den osteuropäischen Ländern, bedeutet die bedingungslose Unterwerfung unter die Verwertungs- und Profitlogik nichts anderes als die Verschärfung von Ausbeutung und Verelendung. Aus diesem Grund werden am 30. 11. 99 in verschiedenen Städten auf der ganzen Welt Aktionen von Widerstandsbewegungen stattfinden, die nicht bereit sind, den Terror der Ökonomie tatenlos hinzunehmen.

Auch in München wird der Global Action Day am 30.11.99 nicht sang und klanglos vorübergehen. Bekanntlich befindet sich in München der Hauptsitz des Siemenskonzerns, der wie andere transnationale Großkonzerne massgeblich von den Wirtschaftsliberalisierungsmassnahmen profitiert, die auf der WTO-Konferenz in Seattle beschlossen werden sollen.

Siemens stellt in vielerlei Hinsicht ein wichtiges Angriffsziel dar. Von der Atomkraft über Rüstungselektronik und Überwachungsanlagen bis hin zur Ausbeutung von BilligarbeiterInnen in der Computerindustrie- der Name Siemens steht weltweit für extreme Formen von Ausbeutung und Unterdrückung unter dem Deckmantel des sauberen technologischen Fortschritts. Als deutscher Konzern gehört Siemens zu den Hauptnutznießern deutscher Großmachtpolitik. Dies zeigt sich beispielsweise bei der Vergabe von Aufträgen und der Errichtung von Produktionsstandorten im ehemaligen Jugoslawien, das mehr und mehr zum militärisch abgesicherten „Hinterhof“ der BRD ausgebaut wird. Auch die konsequenten Weigerung, die Entschädigungsforderungen der ZwangsarbeiterInnen zu erfüllen, die während des Nationalsozialismus in den Siemenswerken Sklavenarbeit verrichteten, zeigt das wahre Gesicht des Konzerns. Bei der kapitalistischen Großveranstaltung EXPO 2000 in Hanover ist Siemens einer der wichtigsten Sponsoren und Aussteller. Übrigens gehört der Forschungsreaktor München II, der von Siemens in Garching bei München gebaut wird, zu den Vorzeigeprojekten auf der EXPO 2000.

Kontakt: Anti Expo München, c/o Infoladen, Breisacher Str. 12, 81667 München;

no justice no peace!

N30 Reports
Seattle Reports

Dear people involved in resistance against world economic system,

This is not the first time You hear from us by e-mail. We sent You already some texts about resistance against the world exposition EXPO 2000 next year in Hanover/germany. The EXPO 2000 is an occasion where big corporations and most of the states from all over the world will present us how they see the world and how, according to them, the future should be. Every state will have ist own place on the EXPO 2000 where it presents itself. Further, there will be so-called "Nation Days" during the EXPO, as a special possibility of self-presentation for the participants. Of course, the states want to create a clean, proper image, with nice pictures and examples of economic success- the EXPO 2000 is a big advertising event for all the participants.

For this reason we have the interest to show another image of the participants of EXPO 2000 which is not as clean and proper as they want to have it.

We want to show how the states and corporations show themselves during the EXPO are exploiting, opressing and discriminating people, how they are doing war for their economic and political interests, how they are causing environmental destructuion...

Especially, we want to show how the situation in countries all over the world is linked with the imperialist politics of the rich industrial countries.

We are thinking about writing a journal in which we describe the politics of some of the states which present themselves during the EXPO, of course not without mentioning what germany, the other european states and the european corporations have to do with the situation in these countries. We also want to get into touch with oppositional exile groups of people from other countries, who are living in germany as political reffugees, in order to organise protest actions against participants of the EXPO 2000 together with them. We see this also as a way of supporting social struggles in other countries

For our plans, we would need the help of people from other countries. If You can send us some information about the political, economic and social situation in Your countries, about how this situation is linked with world economic system and about how Your countries are going to present themselves during the EXPO 2000, this would be very good! If You can give us information how we can get into touch with people from your countries who are living in germany at the moment and who could be interested in our project, this would also be a big help.

If You are interested, we can send You further texts about resistance against EXPO 2000 in english, german or spanish language. We would be pleased to hear from You!

Solidarious greetings from Munich!

Our contact address:
Anti-EXPO 2000 (international contact)
c/o Infoladen München
Breisacher str. 12
81667 München, Germany

Global Action day in Munich- resistance against Siemens and WTO

On the 30th of November, there will be actions of resistance against neoliberalism, against the world economic system in different places all over the world. We, the people from Munich who are working on international contacts for the resistance against EXPO 2000, are also planing to do some 30th of November-action in our city, under the slogan: The WTO kills people-let's kill the WTO!. As Munich is the central place of Siemens, we will do a rally and a street party in front of the headquarters of this transnational corporation. Siemens is one of the big corporations who will benefit from the liberalisation of world trade, which means for the majority of people, especially in the so-called Third World, nothing else than growing poverty and exploitation.

There are a lot of reasons to destroy Siemens: Siemens makes profit with the exploitation of low-paid workers in the computer industrie, Siemens has a leading position in arm trade and in nuclear technology. Further, Siemens is benefitting a lot from german imperialist politics, for example in former yugoslawia, where germany is establishing itself more and more as a colonial power. Siemens is also one of the german corporations who refuse to fulfill the demands for financial compensation for the millions of people who were exploited as slaves in german industry during the time of nazi-fascism.

Siemens is also one of the most important participants of EXPO 2000 next year in Hanover. The nuclear reactor FRMII, which is built in Munich at the moment by Siemens, is one of the objects which will be shown on the EXPO 2000.

With our action in Munich, we hope to show how the structures of exploitation in the place where we are living are linked with worldwide of economic strategies, which will be discussed during the WTO conference in Seattle. We want to put our local activities in a global context of struggles for emancipation. With the same intention, we are organising our activities against EXPO 2000. We hope that our actions will help a little bit to improve discussions and network structures with other groups on an international level.

Solidarious greetings from munich

No justice, no peace!

P.S.: In Berlin, there will also be a protest parade against neoliberalist strategies of removing poor, non-conformist and "non-german" people from the inner city.

N30 Reports
Seattle Reports