The anti-gentrification movement gains momentum. No week passes without meetings, demonstrations or activities. Last Tuesday, 14th of July: no seat available in the Park Fiction. 1200 people come to see the anti-gentrification movie "Empire St. Pauli". Later in the Night, a spontanuos demonstration walks through the community, into the "Brewery Quarters" (an Investor's Architecture) and over the Reeperbahn.
(read more? Click the title)
About 1200 viewers arrived already long before the film starts. The cue at the Hafenstrasse- cooking station was rarly under 20 meters long. Neighbours from the initiative "No BNQ" informed about the growing resistance against the so called "Bernhard Nocht Quartier", planned by investors "Koehler and von Bargen" in the direct vicinity. The program continued with the "De-Gentrification-Kit" by "It's Raining Caviar", the Saint Pauli based Network against Gentrification, , followed by the evening's highlight, the movie "Empire St. Pauli"
Later at night, a spontanuous demonstration met in the Park Fiction / Antonipark. Shouting "We are here, we are loud, because St. Pauli is stolen from us" and "NO BNQ!" some hundred people walked through the nightly St. Pauli, the Bernhard Nocht Street, the Brauereiquartier and the Reeperbahn.
a nice fotostream here: