Göteborg/ Gothenburg EU Summit
June 2001
Reports/ Berichte |
Photos I
Police surrounded Convergence Center
Gothenburg police terrortactics create refugees
EU-Gipfel in Göteburg
(de | 14/6/2001)
Straßenkämpfe in Göteborg
(de.indymedia | 15/6/2002)
Goeteborg: Wie es zu den Schuessen kam
(de | 15/6/2001)
stellungnahme der antiwef-koordination zu goeteborg
(de | 17/6/2001)
Against police terror in Sweden/Contre la terreur policière en Suede
(en/fr | 19/6/2001)
Some thoughts after Goterborg, preparing Genoa
(Ya Basta! | 19&6/2001)
Göteborg: Vorbeugende Gewalt
(de | 19/6/2001)
What happened in Gothenburg? - translation of Swedish report
How to become an international terrorist?
Berliner zu 14 Monten Haft verurteilt!!!Protest organisieren!!!
(de | 3/8/2001)
Statement on the Gothenburg violence
Se demuestra que la policía no disparó en defensa propia
(es | 19/8/2001)
17 new arrests made in connection with Gothenburg riots
Erneute Festnahmen in Schweden
(de | 17/10/2001)
Actions 2001
G8 Genoa