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Neil Mackay
Rahul Mahajan

Olivier de Marcellus

Subcomandante Marcos

Elizabeth Martinez
Philip Mattera
Patrick McCully
John McMurtry

Professor of Philosophy at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Martin McNamara
Marco Mezzera

Marco Mezzera is a Research Associate with Focus on the Global South.

Cindy Milstein

Cindy Milstein is a board member for the Institute for Anarchist Studies, a faculty member at the Institute for Social Ecology, and a member of the Free Society Collective in Vermont. A writer for various anti-authoritarian periodicals, her recent essays are available in the online library at (March 2003)

George Monbiot

Hector Mondragon

Michael Moore

Gary Morton
Néfer Muñoz
Gumisai Mutume
Bob Myers

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