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Tuesday, 11/09/99

9th of November 1999 - 10 years after the Wall fell. 10 years after Fukuyama's notion of the "End of History": with the socialist countries not transforming into communism but into capitalism there would be no driving force in history any more. As if capitalism wouldn't fail every day. It fails with every plant that becomes extinct, with every animal species' disappearance, with every human being starving to death. In every moment that we live in competition among each other.

The nominal socialist block as well was a sexist, destructive and alienated society. But since when does humanity stop looking for new solutions after two have failed? We have the ability and creativity of six billion different people to create a world in which all of us fit, in our variety - "un mundo en lo que quepan muchos mundos".

In the evening we arrive in Oklahoma City, where we get a warm welcome by a variety of people with different backgrounds. Our main hosts are people of REAP, "Rights for the Earth, Animals and People". REA was founded only three months ago, but since then they already organized a couple of rallies and direct actions. "We brought a blood-covered fur into a pelt store", K. tells us with a big smile on her face. Must have been fun.




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